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For BP, the Amazon Reef is becoming a PR nightmare

Posted by Mal Chadwick - 18th July 2017

Together, we’re turning BP’s plan to drill near the Amazon Reef into a PR nightmare.

I’m no expert, but sparking a million-strong resistance and upsetting SpongeBob Squarepants can’t be good news for an oil project.


Send a message

BP might be hoping they can ride this out – just keep quiet and hope this goes away. They need to know that’s not going to happen.

This week, Amazon Reef defenders are emailing BP’s CEO Bob Dudley. We’re telling him that if he puts the Amazon Reef at risk of an oil spill, we’ll do everything we can to stop him.

When I last checked a couple of minutes ago, 27,732 people had already sent a message to BP.

Will you email them today?


Crashing BP’s party

On Friday night, we dropped in on BP’s ‘Big Screen’ in Trafalgar Square – one of their biggest PR events of the year – to share some info about the Amazon Reef.

BP sponsor things like this to improve their public image, but we made sure everyone heard all about their dangerous drilling plans.

We were there on social media too


And audience members weren’t afraid to speak their minds…

Thanks for sponsoring, but you’re still shi..❤️ #bpbigscreens #savethepenguins

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Want to get more involved?

You can sign the petition, write to BP’s CEO, or share the campaign video.

Article Tagged as: Amazon Reef, Climate, Energy, Featured