Halting the Arctic 'goldrush'

Posted by jossc — 28 August 2007 at 2:01pm - Comments

Polar bears: running out of time and space?

All the available evidence indicates that global warming is melting the Arctic at an unprecedented rate. This summer's ice cover was the lowest since records began, and researchers estimate that the region could be totally ice-free by 2040. So, obviously, a cue for the world's nations to act in unison to minimise the potential damage likely to be caused by the resulting sea-level rises? Dream on, I'm afraid - cue instead a new international 'goldrush' to claim the oil, gas and other minerals buried under the Arctic - so that the world can burn more fossil fuels and accelerate the global warming cycle even further.

Honestly, it's enough to make you weep. While the political and military jockeying for control of the far north continues, the ice melts away. And the more oil and gas we burn, the faster the ice will melt. Can somebody please tell these blinkered idiots that we are in a very deep hole and that it's time to stop digging? What's needed is not more oil and gas extraction to fund our current energy-profligate lifestyle, but a complete ban on any development.

In the same way that Antarctica's been protected since 1991, the Arctic should receive the same treatment and be designated a World Park, including large-scale marine reserves. All extractive industries including fishing should be prohibited, as should all forms of dumping and waste disposal. Watch the following video and, if you agree, click on the link to send a message to world leaders and the Secretary-General of the UN that the Arctic belongs to the world's 'global commons' and must be protected as a natural reserve for peace and science - free from exploitation and military activity.

About Joss

Bass player and backing vox in the four piece beat combo that is the UK Greenpeace Web Experience. In my 6 years here I've worked on almost every campaign and been fascinated by them all to varying degrees. Just now I'm working on Peace and Oceans - which means getting rid of our Trident nuclear weapons system and creating large marine reserves so that marine life can get some protection from overfishing.

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