Exposed: Iceland's whale hunt (graphic images)

Posted by jamess — 19 June 2013 at 5:35pm - Comments
Fin whale caught by an Icelandic whaling ship
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Iceland is once again undermining the global ban on commercial whaling

Sorry these pictures are grim, but it's important we get the message out.

This morning, one of our undercover photographers sent pictures showing a magnificent fin whale being harpooned and diced up by an Icelandic ship. The meat will probably to be exported to Japan, where in the past some of it has been turned into dog food.

Exposing this kind of brutality is what we do. "Bearing witness" as we call it, is an essential part of our work.

And it's effective. Spreading images these far and wide is worrying the Icelandic government.

Already their own tourist industry has rushed out a statement condemning the whaling, pointing out that they make far more money from whale watching than they could ever make from killing the whales.

The most effective thing we can do now is to spread these images further.

If the Icelandic government wants to try and undermine the global ban on commercial whaling, we can make sure they pay a reputational price.

Humanity is better than this.

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