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Turtle facts: 9 amazing things you should know

Sea turtles are some of the most mysterious and magnificent ocean creatures. Sadly, most species are threatened with extinction. Get inspired to protect them with these amazing sea turtle facts.


2020: starting a decade of change to protect the climate and nature

In the last 12 months, climate change and the destruction of nature have become impossible to ignore. Millions of people took to the streets as wildfires raged and heatwaves threatened lives – hitting many of the communities least responsible hardest. 2020 will kickstart a decade of change so forests, oceans and the climate can be restored and renewed.

Spiral Tube Worm Blog

A glimmer of hope for our oceans

While the UK Government's contributions to the UN Climate Action Summit were underwhelming at best, there was one glimmer of hope hidden amongst their lack of ambition on climate – they stepped up to protect the oceans.


How thriving oceans can help in the fight against climate change

It’s rare for a day to pass without yet another apocalyptic warning about the future of the Earth. Today was no exception with headlines stating that our oceans are in crisis. These headlines are alarming, but thankfully we have a unique opportunity to help the oceans recover and thrive.