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Aerial view of penguins walking across a fractured landscape of crumbling sea ice. Blog

What does climate change mean for the Antarctic?

Antarctic glaciers are melting faster than they're formed. Less ice and warmer seas impacts wildlife like penguins, whales and krill. But we can choose to protect the oceans and help slow climate change in the polar regions and beyond.

| Blog

What’s the answer to our plastic problem?

We’re all worried about the issue of plastic packaging – but what’s the real solution? Are bioplastics made from organic materials the answer? Can’t supermarkets just make all plastic recyclable? And doesn’t plastic packaging keep food fresh and prevent food waste? It’s time to bust those plastic myths once and for all.


Six Greenpeace non-violent direct actions

Taking non-violent direct action is an important part of how Greenpeace achieves change. From climbing a power station to performing a concert in a museum, direct action can take many forms! Here are six actions to give a flavour of what they can look like.


Plastic pollution reaches the Antarctic

Microplastics and plastic waste weren't what we wanted to find on a recent Antarctic trip. But it's another reminder that plastic pollution needs to be tackled at the source.

Antarctic krill Blog

10 amazing facts about Antarctic krill

With beautiful black eyes and otherworldly translucent pink bodies, Antarctic krill are alien-looking animals. They're massively important for the Antarctic Ocean, but they also happen to be fascinating animals in their own right.

Close up of microbeads on a fingertip Blog

We did it! Microbeads ban comes into effect

After two years of campaigning and 350,000 of you signing our petition, the government banned on microbeads in rinse-off cosmetics and toiletries. It's a great start and paves the way for reducing other types of plastic pollution.