Large group on board the deck of a ship in a snowy environment wave to the camera and hold up a banner reading 'Thank you!'
  • General

Wildlife desktop pictures

 Thanks to you, we’re not stopping. Together we will continue to:

  • Bear witness worldwide to the destruction of our environment
  • Conduct cutting-edge scientific research to build the case for action
  • Raise awareness in the media and through our own in-depth investigations
  • Take peaceful direct action against governments and companies
  • Lobby politicians directly to ditch the warm words and actually protect our planet

We’ve already achieved so much together. And these desktop images can remind you what you’re helping to protect every time you use your computer. They’re our thank you gift to you – simply download the one you like best and save it as your desktop background!

We’ve still got so much more to do, and there are all kinds of challenges ahead as we take on the climate and nature emergencies. But together we can keep building a green, healthier, more peaceful future.

And thanks again for being part of Greenpeace. Here’s to many more happy years together!

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