Gifts in Wills: the right wording

If you are including Greenpeace in your Will, the wording you need to include will vary depending on the type of gift you are leaving and whether you are leaving it to Greenpeace Limited or to the Trust.

Giving to Greenpeace Ltd

Residuary legacy

I give all (or a ___ share of) the residue of my estate to Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered company number 01314381, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Pecuniary legacy

I give the sum of £ (words and figures) to Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered company number 01314381, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Specific legacy

I give my ______ (describe the gift you want to leave, eg my book collection) to Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered company number 01314381, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge

Giving to the Greenpeace Environmental Trust

Residuary Legacy

I give all (or a ___ share of) the residue of my estate to Greenpeace Environmental Trust, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered charity number 284934, to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Pecuniary Legacy

I give the sum of £ (words and figures) to Greenpeace Environmental Trust, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered charity number 284934, to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Specific Legacy

I give my ______ (describe the gift you want to leave, eg my book collection) to Greenpeace Environmental Trust, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN, registered charity number 284934, to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

If you’re interested in making a gift in trust, please talk to your solicitor about the right wording for your individual needs.