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How thriving oceans can help in the fight against climate change

It’s rare for a day to pass without yet another apocalyptic warning about the future of the Earth. Today was no exception with headlines stating that our oceans are in crisis. These headlines are alarming, but thankfully we have a unique opportunity to help the oceans recover and thrive.


Why I’m blocking a BP oil rig

My friend Jo and I climbed up a BP oil rig and now we're occupying it to stop it from going out to the North Sea to drill for up to 30 million barrels of oil.

Three people sit on top of a box outside BP headquarters in London. Blog

Breaking: “I’ve shut down BP. Here’s why.”

As you read this, I’m sitting in a big container outside BP HQ in London, blocking one of the main entrances to the building. Along with a team of climbers on the roof, and more people in containers like mine, we’ve shut down the building. This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever done, but I know it’s the right thing.