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Photo montage of a lone runner on a straight road, with a dark, stormy sky ahead, representing eco-anxiety. Blog

Eco-anxiety: how to find hope in a climate crisis

Feeling worried or angry about climate change is normal. But when these emotions overwhelm us, it can affect our health. Here’s what we learned from an expert on how to dance (not fight) with our feelings.

Black and white photo of three Black women standing on a stage in matching dresses, singing into microphones. Blog

Don’t Stop the music – the sounds of social justice movements

The remake of Fleetwood Mac's classic song Don’t Stop is a call to keep fighting against the polluting companies causing climate change. Why? Because music has fuelled movements for decades. Here are the soundtracks to the world’s biggest fights for justice.

Rooftops of British houses against an expanse of grey sky. Text reads "The Cost of Living. A Greenpeace UK production in association with the New Economics Foundation" Blog

Cost of Living documentary: watch the film

What happens when the government abandons the people it’s meant to serve? This film tells the story of the Rother Valley community as they try to support each other during a historic cost of living crisis.