The IEA scenarios — including the SDS – fall short of the Paris Agreement goals and therefore don’t actually answer the question investors are asking, namely: are companies prepared for a world that takes the Paris Agreement seriously?
The SDS is not providing an effective stress test, nor a useful guide to how things may change.
This investor briefing examines some of the claims the IEA has made in response to concerns raised by investors and others about its scenarios. We hope that this briefing will assist investors in scrutinising the IEA’s responses, and we recommend how investors might engage with the IEA to ensure more robust scenarios.
About our investor briefings
Meeting the objectives of the Paris agreement means that fossil fuel companies will come under increasing pressure from investors concerned about the risks of failing to make the transition to a zero carbon energy future.
Greenpeace has worked to challenge the industry’s business model for over a decade. Our work allows investors to question many of the underlying assumptions of oil industry scenarios and forecasts.
We also examine and interrogate macroeconomic risks as well as technical, legal and regulatory challenges in systemically significant oil projects.
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