
243 results found

Greenpeace ship displaying a giant banner that says stop deep sea mining

Deep sea mining talks resume. Calls for moratorium grow louder

Kingston, Jamaica, 10 July 2023 — From today, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) will bring governments together in Kingston to discuss whether to allow deep sea mining to go ahead. Failure to reach an agreement in previous meetings means that yesterday, on July…

Silhouetted wind turbines against a setting sun

Covid-19 needs our attention right now, but recovery measures could be part of the solution for the climate emergency

Right now, the coronavirus pandemic is the global priority. We all need to work together to save lives and keep our communities together. But the climate and nature emergencies will still be there when the spread of Covid-19 is brought under control. With the right recovery, this could be the moment we take the measures that solve the climate crisis at the same time we escape from this one.

The rainbow insignia painted across the bow of a Greenpeace ship reflects in gently rippling water.

The future of Greenpeace’s ships

Greenpeace is making plans for a new, green ship that’ll boost our campaigns and cut our fossil fuel use. Here’s what you need to know.


What’s the answer to our plastic problem?

We’re all worried about the issue of plastic packaging – but what’s the real solution? Are bioplastics made from organic materials the answer? Can’t supermarkets just make all plastic recyclable? And doesn’t plastic packaging keep food fresh and prevent food waste? It’s time to bust those plastic myths once and for all.

30+ ways to green your home

Many of us will be spending a lot more time at home these days due to the Covid-19 measures. Here are over 30 crowdsourced tips on greening your home.

UK brands will fail palm oil promise

The world’s largest consumer brands are using palm oil from producers that have destroyed an area of Indonesian rainforest the size of Greater Manchester in three years, a new report by Greenpeace International shows