
Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti

3 young black climate activists in Africa trying to save the world

For this year’s Black History Month, we are celebrating the contributions of black people around the world to the global movement for climate justice. Here are three amazing young black activists, describing how they fight for our environment in different African countries.

3 powerful moments in black environmental activism

During Black History Month, we are celebrating the invaluable contribution of black people to the global movement for environmental justice. Here are three powerful acts of protest against environmental destruction by black activists.

Fannie Lou Hammer is a Black woman. Her mouth is open mid-speech, as she sits and commands the attention of the people surrounding her.

How Fannie Lou Hamer inspires the modern climate movement

During Black History Month, we celebrate US voting rights and food justice activist Fannie Lou Hamer. As well as famously advocating for civil rights in the 1960s, Hamer was a pioneer of grassroots farming cooperatives which have continued to inspire 21st century urban agriculture collectives.