Nature and wildlife Global Ocean Protection: Opportunities in the new Parliament This briefing outlines the opportunities for the new government to become a global leader on biodiversity and ocean protection by Greenpeace UK September 12, 2024
Climate change The King’s Speech and the first key moments that will test Labour’s commitment to green action This briefing outlines some of the decisions the new government would need to take to prove they are on track to delivering on the climate and nature mandate voters have… by Greenpeace UK July 31, 2024
Climate change 10 Conservative government climate and nature blunders Some ambitious commitments have been made by Conservative leaders during the party’s time in power. However, a mixture of poor leadership, divisive and cynical climate politics, and corporate capture by… by Greenpeace UK June 3, 2024
Oceans UK ratification of the Global Ocean Treaty: briefing for policymakers To demonstrate its commitment to global ocean protection, the government must ratify the Global Ocean Treaty into UK law before the general election. It must also develop proposals for ocean… by Greenpeace UK April 22, 2024
Activism The King’s Speech: a climate battleground The King's Speech is an opportunity for the government to get the UK on track to delivering its climate and nature targets, while embedding democracy and fairness. Here's Greenpeace UK's… by Greenpeace UK November 3, 2023
Fishing All at sea: how government inaction makes a mockery of UK marine protection Greenpeace research shows that over 90% of UK MPAs are protected in name alone, with no meaningful, site-wide regulation on the most destructive fishing activity. by Greenpeace UK December 14, 2022
Fishing Hooked on sharks The EU fishing fleets fuelling the global shark trade by Greenpeace UK July 13, 2022
Fishing Squids in the spotlight This report uncovers the huge scale of the global squid fishing industry, which has grown over 10-fold since 1950 and is now jeopardising marine ecosystems around the world. by Greenpeace UK March 18, 2022
Fishing State of emergency in the English Channel and southern North Sea: a joint statement English fishermen, together with local fishing businesses, Greenpeace UK, Angling Trust and New Economics Foundation are calling on the UK government to take immediate and urgent action to protect coastal… by Greenpeace UK September 13, 2021
Oceans Open letter: Don’t prosecute Greenpeace for protecting the ocean An open letter to George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by Greenpeace UK August 31, 2021