A montage of children's t-shirt designs on a green background.
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Help choose the next Greenpeace t-shirt design


Voting has now closed – thanks to everyone who took part!

We were thrilled to witness the exceptional talent and creativity showcased by young artists in this year’s t-shirt design competition. The theme for 2024 was plastic pollution and the marine life impacted by this problem.

We saw designs using crayons, paints, pens, highlighters and even reused plastic waste!  With over 300 entries, narrowing down the selection was no easy feat.

Thank you to all of our incredible young people for shining a light on the issue of plastic pollution. We hope you enjoyed the process. If your design wasn’t shortlisted this time round, don’t be discouraged. We’re planning plenty more creative opportunities for the future.

Now, it’s your turn to make your voice heard. Have a look at the shortlisted designs below, then scroll right to the bottom to choose a favourite – one for each of the three age categories. Choose the designs that inspire you to take action for our planet.

Voting will remain open until midnight on Sunday 24th March. Just one vote per person, and feel free to spread the word among your friends and family.

The winners of each category will receive an email notification, along with an organic cotton t-shirt featuring their winning design. The winning designs will also be available for purchase in the Greenpeace shop, so keep an eye out!

Age 0-7 finalists

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Child’s drawing showcasing oceans wildlife drawn in different coloured paper with googly eyes stuck on, seaweed drawn with green paper and a seahorse drawn out of different coloured beads. As well as a slogan reading ‘save our oceans’



Child’s drawing with a green turtle drawn in the middle of the design with different coloured smiley facings surrounding it and a slogan reading ‘save the world’



Child’s drawing showcasing the outline of a plastic bag with a drawing of the Earth inside and plastic pollution items such as a face mask, plastic bottle and cutlery. As well as a slogan reading ‘Our earth says no more plastic!!!’


Age 8-11 finalists

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Child's felt pen drawing shows a red octopus holding up a placard that reads 'Love our oceans'.



Child’s drawing featuring the slogan ‘Penguins not plastic’ illustrating a penguin with a red karate headband kicking a plastic water bottle



Child’s drawing featuring a circle outline made up of different blue coloured shapes and 3 orange star fish and a slogan reading ‘Plastic Free!’ with the exclamation mark having a heart at the bottom.

Age 12-17 finalists

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Child’s drawing featuring the slogan ‘Save our oceans’ and a turtle outline in the middle with plastic pollution items such as cotton buds, cups, bottles and plastic bags inside the turtle.



Child’s drawing with a circle outline and slogan saying ‘do you sea what I see?’ and a plastic milk carton with water filling it up and plastic pollution items such as bags, cans and bottles inside it as well as a turtle with some plastic caught on it.


Child’s drawing with a light blue background featuring a light gray iridescent plastic bag as a jelly fish head and green tentacles.

Voting has now closed – thanks to everyone who took part!

↑ See the full-size designs: 0-7 | 8-11 | 12-17