Environmental justice Open letter to the UK Prime Minister: Take action to protect the Amazon The Amazon is under unprecedented attack. Agricultural expansion is once again driving burning. 2021 has seen some of the worst fires in history, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the integrity… by Greenpeace UK September 9, 2021
General Greenpeace UK’s merchandise FAQs A new report by Greenpeace Germany shows how Greenpeace’s Detox My Fashion campaign has been a game-changer, with leading fashion brands eliminating the use and discharge of hazardous chemicals from… by Greenpeace UK September 1, 2021
Oceans Open letter: Don’t prosecute Greenpeace for protecting the ocean An open letter to George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs by Greenpeace UK August 31, 2021
Oil and gas Media briefing: Cambo oil field Just weeks away from the UK hosting global climate talks, COP26, in Glasgow, the Cambo oil field has become a symbol of the government’s failure on climate. Where it has… by Greenpeace UK August 17, 2021
General Wildlife desktop pictures Your thank you gift for being part of Greenpeace by Greenpeace UK June 29, 2021
Plastic Pledge to tackle plastic pollution Has your MP taken the pledge to tackle plastic pollution? by Greenpeace UK June 22, 2021
Climate change The Big Smoke: the global emissions of the UK financial sector This report examines the ongoing role of the UK's private financial institutions in financing the climate and nature emergency. It demonstrates that the UK’s 'financed emissions' are extensive, likely representing… by Greenpeace UK May 24, 2021
Environmental justice Trashed: how the UK is still dumping plastic waste on the rest of the world The UK is a major contributor to the world’s plastic crisis, generating more plastic waste per person than any other country except the USA. Our recycling system is already overwhelmed… by Greenpeace UK May 16, 2021
Climate change 10 minute activities for 14 to 18 year olds Help young people explore how to protect the planet with these three short introductory activities. They’ll encourage young people to think about and discuss questions related to environmental challenges and… by Greenpeace UK March 25, 2021
Climate change 10 minute activities for 11 to 14 year olds Help young people explore how to protect the planet with these two short introductory activities. They’ll encourage young people to think about and discuss questions related to environmental challenges and… by Greenpeace UK March 25, 2021