
487 results found

How Barclays and other banks are funding climate change

Think you know your climate villains? One thing you might not know is that banks such as Barclays have earned themselves a place at the top of the list. They're funding the companies fuelling climate change – whether it's drilling for oil, clearing forests or violating human rights.

A toddler sitting on his father's shoulders as he wades through deep floodwater

Climate change affects rich and poor unequally. Climate justice redresses the balance

Climate change is already harming people's lives, but those effects are not being felt equally around the world. People in poorer countries and communities are facing the brunt of the crisis. Climate justice means balancing the scales, repairing the damage to these people’s lives but also holding those most responsible for the climate crisis to account.

illustration of peace dove on a rainbow

Budget 2020 does NOT ‘get it done’ for climate and nature

Responding to today’s Budget, Rebecca Newsom, Head of Politics at Greenpeace UK, said:  “Far from ‘getting it done’ for climate and nature, the Chancellor has completely missed the opportunity to address the climate emergency. Instead, by announcing £27bn for new roads, it seems he’s driving in the opposite…

Fairbourne: the village that could be lost to the sea

In the far west of Wales, a little too close to the sea, lies a small village called Fairbourne. It’s being called the first place in the UK to be lost to climate change, as rising sea levels and extreme weather become too much to defend it from.