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Two young orangutans hugging Blog

Orangutan facts: how well do you know the orangutan?

Orangutans have many interesting quirks. Here are 10 facts about one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom – where you can learn about their talent for engineering, what makes an orangutan attractive to a mate and what everyday household item they love to eat!


10 incredible tiger facts to share with friends

Tigers have loads of unique and fascinating features. Did you know that each tiger has the word "king" written on it? Or that a tiger's roar can temporarily paralyse human? Here are 10 incredible tiger facts to share with your friends.

Humpback whale in a dark blue ocean Blog

Why whales are climate change heroes

Let’s be honest – whales are awesome. As the biggest animals in the ocean, they need space to feed, breed and thrive. But only recently have we realised just how much our oceans also need whales, especially in the face of climate change.


BP’s net zero carbon ambition includes lots more oil

BP’s new CEO is setting out his ‘net zero carbon ambition’ for the oil and gas giant. Bernard Looney wants the company to be seen as kinder and cleaner, committed to tackling climate change. But unless he pulls BP out of the fossil fuel business, anything else is just spin.


Are fast food companies really going vegan?

Plant-based food has hit the mainstream, with major fast food companies like Burger King and KFC releasing vegan versions of their beef or chicken classics. But is this the end of beefburgers and buckets of chicken? Or is it just hype?


Whale facts: 11 fascinating things to know

Whales are truly extraordinary creatures with lots of hidden traits and talents. Here are 11 fantastic facts about whales showing just how crucial they are to the world's oceans.